Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunrise on the Atlantic

This past weekend seven of us drove to Rehoboth Beach, DE, to stay the night and watch the sunrise in the morning because it was what one of our friends decided she wanted to do for her birthday (which is actually today-- happy birthday!).

Except for the two cars getting separated for a bit on the way down there, which was mildly terrifying for me but worked out fine in the end, everything went pretty much perfectly. The weather was beautiful and we just spent Friday and Saturday hanging out together, exploring this beach town.

By exploring, of course, I mean the first thing we did when we got there after going out to look at the water

Hey, look! Atlantic!

was to wander the strip of kitschy souvenir stores in the couple of blocks between us and the beach. There was some cute stuff, though, and we had fun wandering around, alternately making fun and wishing we weren't such poor grad students.

When we were too hungry to go any farther (a.k.a. 5 o'clock, because apparently we're old people) we stopped for dinner at a tasty restaurant called Summerhouse.

And the East Coast kids rejoiced over the real seafood. Seriously, practically the entire table had crab of some kind.

Then, practically too stuffed to walk back to our hotel, we decided that thinking was a good idea and busted out the Super Scrabble that some of us got together to buy that afternoon, which was pretty much devastation by me and Jeff (sorry, guys). Of course, as soon as people got bored and our stomachs were empty enough to stuff anything else in them, we went back out again. This time we ended up first at a Coldstone and then at another restaurant's bar area to just sit around, relax, and hang out with each other and our fantastic waiter. I called him "sir" to get his attention and got him made fun of by his co-workers, and when I explained that I can't help it because I'm from Texas he proceeded to call me Texas for the rest of the night. Merriment was had all around.

You know how merry Jeff is, and how prone to playing with whatever random items happen to be available.

After stuffing ourselves a second time we all went back to the hotel to crash so we could get up for the sunrise in the morning. Just a few short hours later we were up again, cold and half asleep, walking out to the beach. But man, was it worth it. It was about here when we got there:

And we all stood around, taking gajillions of pictures, as it turned into this:

So here's me and Jeff:

And here's our group:

After that picture we pretty much said alright, we've seen it, let's go back to bed. So we stumbled back, crashed for another few hours, got up, checked out, and hit the surprisingly large outlet mall in Rehoboth on our way out. And proceeded to get home in a little more than half the time than it took to get out there, somehow. All in all, it was pretty much the only relaxing part of our so-called break. Though it's actually called Reading Week, so I guess it's not too much false advertising. In any case, I spent the rest of the week writing four papers and hating life, so this was a much-needed break.

Here's one last pretty picture:

Oh, sorry, I said pretty. That's Jeff complaining about how cold his ears are. Here's the pretty picture:

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